10 simple ways to spread kindness

Today is World Kindness Day. The world hasn’t felt too kind recently, and with everyone feeling the strain of an uncertain future, it’s more important than ever to be there for each other. Even the smallest gestures can go a long way in making someone’s day, and doing good can help you feel good too! Read on for our top tips in spreading a little happiness today.
10 simple ways to spread kindness
1. Check in with a friend
A simple ‘How are you? I’ve been thinking of you’ message really goes a long way sometimes, and it may just pop up on the screen of someone who, until then, was feeling very much alone.
2. Send some happy post
As great as the digital world is, there’s nothing quite like sending something through the mail. Why not find a favourite photo of you and a friend, write a quick message on the back and pop it in the post. Beats an emoji any day!
3. Compliment a stranger
The thought might make you cringe, but think of it this way, you’ll probably never see that person again, and it may just make their day.
4. Leave someone a note
Write down 10 things that you love about someone and hide them around the house for them to find. A little game that’s guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face!
5. Put down your phone and listen
All too often we have conversations while mindlessly scrolling. See what difference it makes if you put your phone out of sight and really listen to what someone is telling you.
6. Hug it out
Hugs are our under-appreciated superpower - they can reduce stress, fear, pain and release a hormone called oxytocin - which can instantly increase happiness. It’s called the cuddle hormone for a reason!
7. Offer to help
It’s a typical British thing to struggle in silence, whether it’s juggling the kids and a trolley full of shopping, or having no energy at the end of the day to cook dinner. So, if you see someone who might need a hand, a simple ‘Can I help?’ might be all it takes. And even if they say no, the offer alone will have meant something.
8. Say thank you
As kids we get taught to mind our manners, but in a fast-paced world these simple things can often get missed. But saying these two small words can make a big difference.
9. Smile
Cliche it may be (and infuriating when shouted at you by a builder!), but a simple smile really can be contagious, you might just be the friendly face that someone needs today.
10. Practise self kindness
There’s no one that needs your kindness more than you. So make sure you look after yourself today too. Whether that’s taking 10 minutes in the morning to go for a walk and clear your mind, or allowing yourself a guilt-free hour of trashy TV. You deserve it!
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